Are you a fund manager? Have you ever tried to open the same trade in 2 or more accounts simultaneously?
You need to have at least two people, and as much as you rehearse your coordination and teamwork skills, you’ll never be able to replicate the trades precisely the same way. Not to mention the chaos it would unleash if you try to do it on ten different accounts.
What if I tell you that it is possible to execute the same trade on several Metatrader accounts simultaneously without a team of traders, and you can do it all by yourself in your office or home by using this simple method?
You will need a Local Trade Copier (LTC) software, which is a tool that can help you trade multiple accounts in multiple MT4 and MT5 brokers.
If those accounts are located on the same PC or the same VPS server, you have to trade from one master account, and LTC will replicate all those trades in as many accounts as you set it for.
You cannot execute the same trade on several MT4 or MT5 accounts simultaneously with only one pair of hands, but that’s not an issue with LTC. You don’t need a team of traders. You can do it all by yourself.
The possibilities are endless. Our Forex copier is a piece of software designed by a former forex trader and account manager who understands its challenges.
Before we begin, I will mention that you’ll need more than one MT4 platform installed on the same computer.
Recommended read: Installing many MetaTrader 4 terminals on the same computer or VPS server.
Without further ado, let’s start learning how it works. I will tell you how to open the same trades across multiple MT4 platforms on your computer instantly by using a trade copier.
LTC Server and LTC Client
LTC server is the “master” account, the general who guides the troops to do what needs to be done. That is the account in which you decide how to trade.
Manual trading, EA’s, automated trading, and signal providers can be used on it as well as personalized indicators.
LTC client is the soldier. It simply replicates the trades you choose to place on the LTC server.
Combine LTC server and LTC client with unlimited accounts in unlimited ways
Do you want to manage funds?
You can run your trading business with just one person behind the wheel.
The most basic configuration of LTC is one server and up to 4 clients. It all depends on the capacity of your PC. If you want to run more accounts, it’s advisable to use another VPS server.
VPS is a cheap alternative. Otherwise, you’re taking the risk to exceed the possibilities of your PC. If you’d like to learn more about VPS and how to make good use of them, click here.
Do you need more flexibility?
- You can set up one or more LTC clients to follow one or more LTC servers.
- 1 Master account can be the Client of 1 or more Master accounts, and at the same time, it can copy the trades to other client accounts.
- You can personalize LTC to suit your needs and goals.
If this confuses you a little bit, the infographic below will clarify any doubt you have:
Let’s see a few examples:
I have two accounts in Alpari (Server and Client 1) both of them have $5000.
The red and blue rectangles provide detailed information about the software and the accounts.
LTC client EA has more customizable parameters. Later on, you’ll receive thorough information about this. For now, let’s see an example of a buy order.
You have to trade on the Server account. As you can see, the order is executed with surgical precision on the client account.
The stop-loss and entry points and the balance, the profits, and the losses are precisely the same on both accounts.
To achieve the most exact replication from one account to another, it’s advisable to have all the accounts on the same broker.
You can also use LTC to connect accounts between different brokers.
Usually, it takes 1 second or less to copy the trade to many client accounts. Still, there might be a slight delay in the execution speed if your computer is overloaded or your Internet connection is poor. To see trade copier speed in action, watch this video.
Manage the risk of your client’s accounts with the same efficiency as you do with your account
You can define money management settings in your client’s account inputs. LTC has many different ways to apply money management in your trading, but here are five most popular:
1. Risk Ratio (default).
Imagine that you have four accounts:
-Master $5,000
-Client 1 $10,000
-Client 2 $2,500
-Client 3 $5,000
The risk that you take on each trade placed in the master account will be calculated proportionally in each of the client accounts by this formula:
(Client account size/Master account size) × Master account lot size × Risk Ratio
For example: if I want to calculate the risk ratio of Master and Client 1 trading with 1 lot and a risk ratio of 1.
(10,000/5000) × 1 ×1 = 2
For Master and Client 2, trading with 2 lots and a risk ratio of 1:
(2,500/5000) × 2 ×1 = 1
For Master and Client 3 trading with 1.5 lots and risk ratio 2:
(5,000/5000) × 1.5 ×2 = 3
Of course, it works the same with decimal numbers.
In the inputs of the LTC client, you can find that a RiskRatioServer parameter, by default, is set to use server balance and client balance to calculate the lot size. You can easily change these two parameters false to make the LTC Client EA use equity instead of balance to calculate a lot size.
To change the parameters for risk management, you must activate only the one you choose and deactivate all of the rest.
2. Fixed Lot Size.
As the name suggests, it doesn’t matter the size of the account. It will always use the same lot size you choose.
3. Lot Multiplier.
If you set this to 1, the Client EA will copy all trades at the same size no matter what. If you configure the parameter to 0.5, it will decrease the lost size by 50%. If you configure it to 1.5, it will increase the lot size by 50%. The account size makes no difference.
4. Risk Percentage.
You can set this parameter to the percentage of your balance you’re willing to risk on each trade. You need to place a stop-loss for the master trade to make this parameter work on the client size. Without a stop loss, EA won’t be able to calculate the proper position sizing and delay the trade until a stop loss is set.
5. Lot Money Ratio.
This is quite a unique way to approach money management. The input goes like this:
You’re telling the EA that you want to use a lot-sizing proportional to your size account.
For every $1,000 in your account, you will trade with 0.1 lots.
If your account is $10,000, every order will be 1 lot. If it’s $9,000 it’s going to use 0.9 lots and so on.
Now you know how easy it is to trade on several MT4 or MT5 accounts simultaneously with only one pair of hands. If you want to become a more efficient account manager, Local Trade Copier is a tool that will help you reach the level of success you desire.
I am looking for a sofware that will copy my trade from my metatrader 4 to other accounts in different computers or locations.
it must able able to link my trading account with other forex traders by using only their login details to my meta trader4.
please your speedily response will be appreciated.
what you need is my remote trade copier on steroids. I call it Signal Magician.
For faster answers contact me directly from contact form on my website, not comments below aritcles 😉
I am looking for software that is along the lines of a trade manager like FX Synergy. With it, I can launch the same trade across multiple accounts, and manage each trade while open (Move stop loss, profit targets etc.) without having to have multiple installations of MT4.
Is this software capable of doing so?
Thank You,
Hi Jack, yes, the Local Trade Copier is the software that can launch the same trade across many MT4 accounts, but you NEED to have all MT4 accounts running on the same computer.
If accounts are not running then software cannot send trades to these accounts.
Hi I have been wondering if this was possible, now that I know, I would like to know if I can put it on my website and then traders arround the world can connect their MT4 to it so that when I trade theirs will be traded and also be able to get the software to deduct 30% of the profit of the client back to me when he tries to withdraw
For this type of signal business I recommend Signal Magician.
Hi Rimantas, I wonder if it is possible that this software will work on ANY mt4 account, with ANY broker, in ANY country, for a citizen also of ANY country. I live in the USA and for some unknown reason, it is sooo darn hard to deal with Forex trading so brokers all over the world are abandoning US-based traders causing frustration everywhere. I can’t use Zulutrade for copying service as well as the mql5 community for the same reason. I wonder if YOUR software is the answer?
Have you heard of anyone based in the USA having any issues with your software?
Hi, yes, Local Trade Copier will work with any MT4 account, with any MT4 broker, in any country.
But you need to have Forex broker account with MT4. In US, I believe you can use OANDA MT4 as an example. Then, you can copy trades from any account.
Hello, does this work on the MT4 mobile apps? Can I set this up to copy trades to multiple accounts from my IPhone?
MT4 Mobile App does not allow to run any EAs or apps inside. But MT4 allows to login to the same MT4 accounts from Desktop, laptop, VPS, and mobile devices.
So this means you can setup MT4 on a VPS server with trade copier and then do the trading on Master account through your MT4 Mobile App on iPhone for example.
Here a video on how to copy trades from MT4 Mobile app.
Is it possible to use the LTC serveron an Mt4 mobile platform
Technically it is possible to copy your trades from your mobile mt4 app to your client accounts. However you also need to have all master and client mt4 platforms running on your computer or VPS all the time for trades to be copied because mobile MT4 app does not support use of expert-advisors. Here is our video about this: https://www.mt4copier.com/copy-forex-trades-from-mt4-mobile/
Is it possible to make the Lot Multiplier a changing variable based on Account size and continuously adjust itself based on Account size?
Lot Multiplier # = Account Balance divided by $5000.
So if Master account of $5000 makes trades at 0.1 Lot and 0.4 Lot
a Slave account of $10,000 will copy trades at 0.2 Lot and 0.8 Lot.
(2 = $10,000 / $5000)
a 2nd Slave account of $40,000 will copy trades at 0.8 Lot and 3.2 Lot.
(8 = $40,000 / $5000)
Will this be possible? Thank you
thanks you for your email
we appreciate it
Client Ea settingRisk ratio server is doing exactly that
with it by default the Lot Multiplier a changing variable based on Account size and continuously adjust itself based on Account size (except the 5000 part)
Here is a video about risk parameters
you will achieve it with default setting
You can use a setting in Client Ea called LotMoneyRatio:
This option allows you to use a special risk management method. It is very important to use the correct format in order to activate this option. You need to enter two numbers and they must be separated with the colon (:). Example #1 would be LotMoneyRatio=0.1:1000 This means the Client EA will use 0.1 lot size for every 1,000 available in the Follower‘s account. If there are less than 1,000 funds available then 0.1 lot size will be used. If account size grows to 2,000 the EA will automatically start using 0.2 lot size.
BUT THIS OPTION IS NOT FOR YOU BECAUSE IT WILL ONLY MULTIPLY0.1 BY (BALANCE/5000) and all other lot sizes will not be multiplied correctly to fit your needs
However in your example a simple riskratioserver 1.0 setting (default) will do exactly that
( So if Master account of $5000 makes trades at 0.1 Lot and 0.4 Lot
a Slave account of $10,000 will copy trades at 0.2 Lot and 0.8 Lot
a 2nd Slave account of $40,000 will copy trades at 0.8 Lot and 3.2 Lo t)
Have a great week
Thank you, I understand your default setting and it is very smart.
My issue with the RiskRatioServer default settings is when the Slave account balance grows, so does the Master account, making the Master Account a continuously changing variable also. I need the Master account equation to be a constant, not variable.
Lot Multiplier = (Slave Account Balance / X )
X = any fixed number I choose
NOT: Lot Multiplier = (Slave Account Balance / Master Account Balance)
I hope I am explaining this clearly and that there is a way to make this adjustment in MT4Copier.
Thank you
Now I understand exactly what you need.
We can add this functionality if you purchase 1-year MANAGER or 1-year VIP license.
Contact our customer support for details:
hi, the contact form actually saids I cannot send you a message from the link you posted. Do you have an email or other way I can contact customer support? Thank you
Hi can I ask with LTC can you be able to open multiple orders of one trade eg like buy usdjpy at 0.10 tp 2.09 SL 2.00 x3
thanks for your comment
we appreciate it.
Yes, sure.
From your comment, it is hard to understand you want to open multiple positions on the same account or if you want to send trade from the master account to the client as 3 trades.
Both are possible, I will explain.
You will need a feature in Local Trade Copier Software called Split Lots. Please note that this feature is only available in Manager and VIP license types. It is not available for Personal license users.
Here is a video where this feature is explained:
1. Sending split trades to client account:
On your main account attach our server ea on any one chart of any symbol.
On your client account attach our client ea on any one chart of any symbol.
In Client EA settings, enable SplitLots function and set SplitLotsMax to the value you need, for example, 0.10. It is shown in the video example.
2. If you want to do it on the same account:
This one is more tricky, be careful to avoid loop of trades and blowing up your account.
On the same mt4 account attach one server ea on any one chart and one client ea on any chart.
In both server ea and client ea settings set different magic numbers. Any numbers but different
example: 12345,56888
In server ea settings set ExcludeMagicNumber to exclude the magic number of client ea this way, you will avoid loop of trades.
In client ea enable and setup split lots.
Test it on demo first.
Hope this helps
Is it possible to adjust the trades during its running period and have the information copied from master to slave accounts.
ie, if after I have placed a trade on the master and the trades are copied to secondary (slave) accounts, can I adjust the TP or SL on the master and have the same info copied across all accounts?
Yes sure, our MT4 copier will copy all actions made on master account. If master changes TP or SL, the Client will change them as well. Partial close and CloseBy operations are copied as well.
Hello Rimantas,
I currently have 5 different MT4 accounts from the same broker and I am entering the same trades on each account manually. I open and close the trades manually. this gives me the best results. Will Trade Copier allow me to set these accounts up in one place and allow me to open the trade and close the trade manually from one access point and it will be copied in the other 4 accounts automatically. If so, how many accounts can I do with this?
With Local Trade Copier you will be able to trade your main account, and trades will be copied to other accounts on the same computer or VPS server.
Trade modifications and closes will be copied as well.
Also, you will be able to manage lot sizes for each client separately.
We don’t limit the number of accounts and allow as many as your computer or VPS server can handle.
Is it possible to customize the copier so there is a time delay from when a trade is entered on the master account to client accounts. When the master account places a trade the copier will delay the copy trades for 5, 10, or 30 seconds.
It is not possible to delay trades by seconds, but it is possible to delay trades by distance in pips. It can help.
In the Client EA settings, there is a parameter called ShiftEntryPips. It will “delay” the trade until the price moves by the number of pips specified.
Here’s how the Client EA user manual describes this parameter:
ShiftEntryPips – this setting allows you to shift trade entry price by a certain number of pips. At this point, market orders will become pending orders on the slave account.
Example 1: You have BUY @ 1.3200 on the master; you have ShiftEntryPips=30.0; the client EA will place BUY STOP pending order @ 1.3230. You can set negative numbers as well. In the previous example, if we had ShiftEntryPips=-50 (negative number), EA would place BUY LIMIT @ 1.3150.
Example 2: You have SELL @ 127.50 on the master; you have ShiftEntryPips=30.0; the client EA will place SELL STOP pending order @ 127.20. If we had ShiftEntryPips=-50 (negative number) EA would place SELL LIMIT @ 128.00.
RelativeShift – this setting works with ShiftEntryPips. By default, it is set to true. In this case, a positive ShiftEntryPips number will shift trade entry forward (up for buy trades and down for sell trades). And the negative numbers will shift the entry price back (down for buy trades and up for sell trades), which means that price will have to retrace back to trigger shifted trade. If you set RelativeShift to false, EA will calculate entry price by simple math formula where ShiftEntryPips will be added to entry price. So this means that negative numbers will shift entry prices down, and positive numbers will shift entry prices up.
I hope this helps.
Do you have just a simple scaling out EA?
When TP is hit only 50% of the trade is closed and the rest left open in the trade?
Yes, if you have 50% of the trade closed on the master, the same will happen on the client side too because Local Trade Copier will repeat the same partial close (even if the lot size is different, it will calculate proper lot size to close 50%).
Does it work with MT5 also?
Can I use this soft to place the same trade on multiple accounts (from prop firms)?
Thank you in advance!
Plz I need this software. How much does it cost?
May I also know if you the trial or free version