Today’s question about the Local Trade Copier:
What if the slave account size is more than $500,000 and we work on 10% risk per trade? The MT4 in some brokers will not allow an open trade of more than 50 lots. So do you have a solution for this?
The only solution to this seems to be to open multiple trades that would sum up to the right lot size.
What you can do is to run 2x LTC Client EA’s on the same slave account with unique magic numbers. Of course you do this on two separate charts.
You need to set the 1st Client EA to risk 5% and the 2nd Client EA to risk another 5%. This would total to the 10% risk because there will be 2 trades running on a slave account for each master trade.
I hope that helps, and please share this information with someone who needs it.
You may also want to check the The Definitive Guide to Forex Trade Copying to learn more about how to use the Local Trade Copier and copy trades between multiple MetaTrader 4 accounts.