I have just released the new Local Trade Copier version 2.9.1. It’s a slightly upgraded version of the recently released LTC version 2.9 “Broad Peak”.
Local Trade Copier – a special software for MetaTrader 4 platform which helps retail Forex traders share trades with their friends and family without the need to open highly regulated PAMM accounts.
Special thanks for my awesome customers. I’ve received so much feedback from you, which helps me improve LTC software month after month. Hundreds of retail traders and account managers already use LTC to manage millions of dollars since 2010.
Follow these steps to upgrade to the latest LTC version.
Now let’s take a look what has changed in the LTC v2.9.1.
What’s new in LTC v2.9.1
I’ve added new cool features and fixed a few bugs. Let’s take a closer look.
1. Symbol suffix auto-detection just got better
Symbol suffix detection mode has now 3 options:
- Detect automatically
- Use the same symbols as server
- Use custom suffix (as defined in CustomSymbolSuffix)
By default SymbolSuffixDetection is set to “Detect automatically” which means EA will try to detect symbol suffix automatically. On most brokers this will work fine, but on some brokers there can be multiple suffixes used and the broker might allow to place trades only on pairs without suffix.
In such case, please turn off auto suffix detection feature by setting SymbolSuffixDetection to ”Use custom suffix” and set custom suffix in the CustomSymbolSuffix parameter or leave it empty to not use any suffix.
If you set SymbolSuffixDetection to “Use the same symbols as server” the Client EA will use the exact same symbols like master account does. This is recommended when master and client accounts are with the same broker.
CustomSymbolSuffix – this option allows you to manually set what symbol suffix Client EA should use. This works only when SymbolSuffixDetection=”Use custom suffix”.
The purpose of this parameter is to be able to copy the trades on brokers that use additional letters after a standard currency symbol name. An example would be EURUSDFXF.
If your broker does this, you must enter those letters exactly as they appear (case-sensitive). In this example you would enter FXF.
If you want EA to not use suffix at all, then leave this value empty.
Note that some brokers also do not allow you to trade on pairs that have suffixes, so in some cases you should avoid using them.
2. Shows the time it takes to copy trades
Client EA will print the time it took to copy the trade.
Once a trade signal is received by the Client EA and a trade was opened successfully, you will see additional information printed in the EXPERTS tab which looks like this:
Delay of approx. 1 seconds detected to receive and copy master pending order #123456
Note that there might be a 1 or 2 seconds mismatch because of broker clock time difference between accounts. Also, this is measured in seconds, which means 600ms would be printed as 1 second and 300ms would be printed as 0 seconds.
The time to copy the trade is calculated from the moment a trade is opened on the master account until the trade is opened on the client account.
3. Improved EA stability
Server EA and Client EA are now much more stable and reliable. You should not see them stop working with no reason anymore.
4. Enter License Key only once
I have created a special code in the EA which now requires you to enter License Key only once. After you use correct License Key to start the copier, next time you start EA you may leave License Key parameter empty. Copier EA will remember the one you’ve used before on the same computer/account.
5. SplitLots fixed
SplitLots is now fixed and it will be able to open remaining position correctly.
6. Save last used “Trade Comment” value
TradeComment parameter value is now saved in the “last known EA settings” file once you start the EA. This wasn’t the case in the older Server EA previously.
I hope you will find these improvements useful. If you do not have the Local Trade Copier software yet, it is the best time to try it right now.
Local Trade Copier helps retail Forex traders and account managers copy trading actions from one MT4 account to another on the same computer. This means you won’t need to repeat the same trading actions on each MT4 platform individually.
Can I get the manual for LTC v2.9.1 (Broad Peak)?
Sure. It’s included in the LTC package you will download from the “Download Center”. See upgrade explanation in the link above.
sometimes you need to copy and then reverse the trading,, you have the ability to use yours stop loss but there is not a trailing possibility for more profit
Yes, LTC does not have trailing stop option. I am still considering if I should add it or not.