I understand you may not have time or do not want to read this document, but to avoid any misunderstandings and asking questions that are already answered on my website, please read this to learn about the latest changes in the LTC v2.5. Ideally you should re-read the updated instruction manual as well.
First I want to thank all of my clients who are using this software and who helped me to improve it.
Follow these steps to upgrade to the latest LTC version.
Now let’s take a look what has changed in the LTC v2.5.
What’s new in LTC v2.5?
#1 Memory leak problem finally solved.
Even though it seems I have fixed this problem in the previous version of the software, there were still cases that the copier had problems to synchronize the information between multiple MT4 platforms and gave “read errors”. This was happening if you were running more than one LTC EA on the same MT4 platform. This problem was fixed and the improved trade copier engine now makes this software to be very accurate.
#2 You can choose a list of magic numbers to copy.
Previously you could enter only single magic number if you wanted to exclude or filter certain group of trades. Now you can enter a comma separated list of magic numbers and you can do this on the Server EA and the Client EA.
#3 High volume trade support.
If your broker has a lot size limit then you can split the trade in multiple trades to have high volume orders. Simple example would be if you want to copy the trade with a lot size of 330, but your broker maximum allowed lot size is 50. Using the SplitLots new option you can set the Client EA to split this position in 7 trades.
That would be 6 trades of a 50 lot size each and the 7th trade of a 30 lot size.
#4 Improved Risk Management between accounts with different deposit currencies.
If the client account deposit currency is different from the master account deposit currency, the Client EA will now calculate the right lot size proportion to use to make the client account risk the same amount of money in terms of percentage. This applies to the RiskRatioServer option only. Previous version of the trade copier was not able to calculate the right lot size between different deposit currency accounts, but now this is fixed.
Also, important to mention that from now on, when using the RiskRatioServer option, the Client EA will use the master account balance and client account balance to determine the lot size. You can control this Client EA behavior and you can choose between account balance or account available equity to be used when calculating the lot size.
I hope you will find these improvements useful. If you do not have a this software yet it is the best time to buy Local Trade Copier right now. LTC helps Forex account managers to copy their trading positions between multiple MetaTrader 4 accounts so they won’t need to repeat the same trade operations on each MT4 platform individually.
Please post your comments and questions below.
I wud like to xperince it…pls enlighten me on the same latest trade copiet..tq sir
Thank you for your interest. You can get the trial license of the Local Trade Copier at http://www.mt4copier.com
Kindly recommend the most suitable ones for mt4 and android. ..and quote ..however allow me the trial as you recommeded..rq
you can take the trial version on my website at http://www.mt4copier.com
This copier is for MT4. As about copying trades from Android please watch this video.