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Local Trade Copier 2.9 “Broad Peak”

By Updates No Comments

I have just released the new Local Trade Copier version 2.9 named “Broad Peak” after one of the eight-thousander Mountains.

Local Trade Copier is a special software for MetaTrader 4 platform which helps retail Forex traders and account managers duplicate trading positions between multiple accounts on the same computer so they won’t need to repeat the same trade operations on each MT4 platform individually.

Special thanks for my awesome customers. I’ve received so much feedback from you, which helps me improve LTC software month after month. Hundreds of retail traders and account managers already use LTC to manage millions of dollars since 2010.

Follow these steps to upgrade to the latest LTC version.

Now let’s take a look what has changed in the LTC v2.9.

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SplitLots function explained

By Trade Copier video tutorial 16 Comments

In this video, I demonstrate how SplitLots function works in the Local Trade Copier and also explain what it does and how it helps if you trade big volume position size.

IMPORTANT! SplitLots function does not take partial closing (a.k.a. scaling out) into account. If you close a portion of a master trade, the Client EA might close all trades (occurred from SplitLots) on the client account or, it might be closed only after you fully close master trade.

How to check if Client EA will try to close any open trades on startup

By Local Trade Copier Q&A 2 Comments

Here’s how you can check if Client EA will try to close any open trades on startup:

  1. Set the same MagicNumber value as used by previous Client EA.
  2. Set AcceptNewTradeSignals=FALSE
  3. Set AcceptTradeModifySignals=FALSE
  4. Set AcceptTradeCloseSignals=TRUE
  5. In the COMMON tab deselect “Allow live trading“. This will take away permissions for the Client EA to make any trading operations, even if Client EA has AcceptTradeCloseSignals=TRUE
  6. Click OK to load the Client EA.
  7. If Client EA fails to load and gives an error about “Allow live trading” being disabled, it means it is trying to close open trades. At this stage you need to find why Client EA cannot match open trades on the client account with the trades on the master account. Check MagicNumber.
  8. If Client EA loads fine and “server read” counter is growing, it means Client EA is not trying to close any open trades. At this stage it is safe to run Client EA with your desired settings, but still the same MagicNumber value as used by previous Client EA.