This is a story that was shared by one of my customers. They enjoyed my product and decided to share their personal experience as they tried and experimented with my software.
I have this friend let’s call him Bob, although that’s not his real name. Bob’s an awful trader. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a great friend and I like him a lot. But honestly, he can’t trade his way out of a paper bag.
It’s not really his fault either. Bob’s a beginner trader. He’s been trading for less than 6 months and it shows. He’s making all the beginner mistakes.
Bob likes to buy cheap. He calls it a bargain whenever he sees a currency pair that has been trending down for a long time. He likes to buy whenever price makes a new bottom expecting the price to turn. He sells when prices ”get too high”.
All of that wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t make another set of beginner mistakes. Picking tops and bottoms is hard to do but with a proper money management technique, it can be done profitably.
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