Today’s question about the Local Trade Copier:
Local Trade Copier doesn’t seem to be copying the trades to my subscribers and I don’t know what I am doing wrong. What should I do?
Today’s question about the Local Trade Copier:
Local Trade Copier doesn’t seem to be copying the trades to my subscribers and I don’t know what I am doing wrong. What should I do?
Question about the Local Trade Copier:
Can I attach a Server and Client EA to the same account so that each time a trade is placed on the master it will also have a reverse trade on the same account?
Today’s question about the Local Trade Copier:
What does the red question mark icon on the left side of the LTC dashboard mean? When I restarted the EA today it is still showing in red.
Today’s question about the Local Trade Copier:
Can Server EA set the stop loss and take profit on my trades?
I have a demo account and want to set it so that every time i open a trade it has a stop loss and a take profit of 10 pips.
Today’s question about the Local Trade Copier:
I have open positions right now and am wondering if it is safe to reboot both client and server. Will the open positions be maintained and managed correctly?
Today’s question about the Local Trade Copier:
How can I get Forex trades from 2 different master accounts to be copied into a single slave account using Local Trade Copier on MetaTrader 4 platform?
Also, I want the client to receive variable lots sizes from one master and fixed lots from the other.
Today’s question about the Local Trade Copier:
Is it possible to copy and send my trades to unlimited receivers or clients over the internet using Local Trade Copier?
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Have you ever heard someone online talking to you about ‘master and slave’ accounts, currency suffix, symbol mapping and other similar technical terms and you did not understand what the hell they were talking about? Maybe you even pretend that you know these terms, but just changed the topic of the conversation? In this business of forex, there are literally hundreds of different terms and it is important to know a lot of them to be successful.
Today’s question about the Local Trade Copier:
Is it possible to copy reverse trades with Local Trade Copier using the master account as a demo account and the slave account as a real account? Read More